City Business
Community Center
Mosquito Festival/Vector
 Fire Department
Water/Sewer Utility
Bid and Job Postings

OEM (Oregon Emergency Management)  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwVTK40ZGrU-bHdMNFBjT21zd25zc0RZdHNqRG1nUlZxcnFz   http://www.paisleymosquito.org

Lake County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan          Lake County, the Town of Lakeview, and the City of Paisley are collaborating with the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) to update the Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan (NHMP). Having an approved NHMP allows the County and the cities to obtain funds from FEMA to prepare for and recover from natural disasters. DLCD is providing the funding from a FEMA grant for this NHMP update.   Contact Daniel Tague, Lake County Emergency Manager, at dtague@co.lake.co.or.us and 541-947-6027 x 120 for more information.  

Lake County NHMP Flyer June 2018 (6-20-18).pdf

Lake County NHMP Project Schedule 10-5-18.docx.

Protecting your Investment & Tenants -                Family Emergency Plan

Securing a Rental Property.pdf

Family Emergency Plan.pdf

Safety Tips to Secure Your Neighborhood.pdf

COVID 19  www.oregon.gov/OHA
